Today I am pretty pumped, get it pumped, {he-he}, to announce that I am part of the new #MakeYourMove campaign brought to you by Kohl’s.
Kohl’s wants to show all of us that there are many ways that living a healthy life can feel good, look good and be easy and fun. I am here to spread the word, and get you pumped up {there it is again} about making your own move to a more fit and healthy you.  Today I want to share with you some dumbbell exercises for strong toned arms that you can do at home or at the gym.
Today I want you to pick up some weight and get active, strong and energized.
I used to avoid the weights at the gym. I didn’t even walk in the area of the gym where the weights were lined, I wasn’t sure what to do with the weights and not to mention all the humongous men who tend to hang out near them grunting and slamming weights on the floor, were intimidating.
I would make my way to my cardiovascular machines secretly afraid of all that was happening over near those weights.
Then one day I met a friend who asked me to join in on his workout, and guess what he had no problem walking straight for those weights, ignoring the humongous grunting guys and started lifting weights.
I soon became hooked, and shortly after I joined crossfit with my sons. Now when I explain to my friends how important and empowering lifting is for women, I usually get a side eye look or a chuckle.
If you are scared to start strength training, take a deep breath and realize anything new is always scary for everyone. You just need to start #MakeYourMove.
5 dumbbell exercises for strong toned arms
Alternating Shoulder Press while standing
muscles worked: deltoids, triceps and core
Start with holding a pair of dumbbells at shoulder level. Press the left-side dumbbell overhead until the elbow is almost locked out. As you lower the left dumbbell, press the right overhead. Repeat back and forth for reps, with one side lowering while the other side is pressing.
Tip:Â Create a slight bend in your knees and keep this position fixed for the entire movement. Do not dip down and use your legs to help drive the weight overhead.
Alternating Front Raises
muscles worked: deltoids, and upper traps
Start with holding a pair of dumbbells and standing with a straight torso.  Let dumbbells rest on the front of your thighs.  Tighten your core muscles and lift the left dumbbell to the front with a slight bend in your elbow, palms facing down. Continue until your arm is slightly above parallel to the floor.  No higher than the height of your shoulder.  Pause for a second at the top and lower back down. Repeat back and forth for reps, with one side lowering while the other side is pressing.
Alternating Bicep Curls
muscles worked: bicep, brachialis, brachioradalis, and deltoids
Start with holding a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length. Keep your elbows close to your torso and rotate the palms of your hands until they are facing forward. This will be your starting position.
Now, keeping the upper arms stationary, exhale and alternate curling the weight. Continue to raise the weights until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a brief pause as you squeeze your biceps. Repeat back and forth for reps, with one side lowering while the other side is curling.
Bent Over Row
muscles worked: upper back and mid back
With dumbbells in each hand start by bending over at waist with a slight bend in your knees and a straight back. Â Try to get your upper body parallel to the floor. Â The weights should hang directly in front to you with the palm of your hands facing your torso. Â Tighten your core muscles and lift the dumbbells together to your side, keep your elbows close to your body. Â Squeeze your back muscles hold for a second, lower and repeat.
Alternating Tricep Kickback
muscles worked: tricep, rear shoulders, traps and lats
Hold a pair of dumbbells at the side of your body and let them hang at arms’ length. Shift your hips backward, hinging at the waist and allowing the torso to tilt forward. Sit back until your upper body is at an approximate 60-degree angle with the ground. Let the dumbbells hang toward the floor, but be sure not to let your back round. From this position, pull the right-handed dumbbell to your waist. Hold it for a beat and then lower it back down. As it descends, pull the other dumbbell to your body.
Tip:Â Visualize pulling back with your shoulder blades and getting your elbow in line with your torso.
Burn more calories and body fat. As your lean muscle increase so does your resting metabolism and you burn more calories all day long. Not just when you are working out. Generally for each pound of muscle you gain you burn 35 to 50 more calories each day.
Weight bearing exercises like weight training helps us with bone strength. You can increase your spinal bone mineral density by 13 percent in six months of training. This can be a women’s best defense against osteoporosis.
Strong muscles allow you to participate in more activities. It will also give you the strength and stability to protect your body from unpredictable movements such as slips and falls.
You can find my wardrobe at Kohl’s from top to bottom. Dog not included.
FILA SPORT Bra: Core Essential High Impact | FILA SPORT Maui Skimmer Pants | Gaiam Studio to Street Balance Cowlneck Yoga Hoodie
Accessories: Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity & Sleep Wristband | Sunny Health & Fitness 10lb Neoprene Dumbbells | Sony Active Sport Headphones
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This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Kohl’s.
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