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5 Ways to Detox

A great way to start off your New Year is with a clean slate.  That includes your body as well as your mind.  Use these 5 Ways to Detox your body and start your year off right.

5 Healthy Ways to Detox | ahealthylifeforme.com

Every year brings a sense of renewal and many people view the onset of a new season as an opportunity to make some changes. Detoxing and cleansing have become popular topics and approaches, but there are natural ways to support the body’s own detoxification processes.

Frequent consumption of water, whole foods high in fiber, an abundance of leafy greens, regular physical activity, and reduced caffeine intake are all healthy steps that can be taken to help boost the body’s cleansing capabilities.

Taking these steps will help to provide your mind with clarity and give your body the ability to remain cleansed without relying on fad detox practices or buying into too-good-to-be-true promises from “miracle” cleanses. Let nature take its course and incorporate a few simple techniques for optimum health benefits this coming year.

5 Ways to Detox

  1. Lemon water. You might be tired or even a little hungover, but your morning coffee is not the answer.  When you wake up, don’t immediately reach for coffee. Instead, have warm water with lemon, the lemon kick starts digestion (and your metabolism) and helps flush the liver.
  2. Brassica Veggies. Many foods that are considered detoxing support the live meaning they aid in getting garbage transformed and packaged for elimination through your GI tract. Brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, and kale are detox powerhouses. They’re full of fiber and contain enzymes that help metabolize toxins and excess hormones.
  3. Beets. One of the most powerful foods to eat when detoxing. They are full of nutrients and are a great source of vitamins B3, B6 and C, plus beta-carotene, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron. They assist our liver and gall bladder in breaking down toxins, and their fiber is great for digestion and elimination.
  4. Apples. The pectin in apples are great for ushering out detoxed hormones and other junk. They’re also one of the highest water and fiber to sugar ratios of any fruit, making them a great high fiber, lower sugar fruit choice.
  5. Cut out gluten, dairy, and granulated sugar. Yes, this is quite a list. You need to give your body a break from rich holiday foods for a spell. Foods high in gluten, dairy and granulated sugar can create a toxic buildup. Try cutting them from your diet for five to seven days after the holiday to reboot your system.
5 Healthy Ways to Detox your body | ahealthylifeforme.com

Incorporate Healthy Changes

Incorporating these five natural detox practices into your daily can help support the body’s cleansing processes and give your mind clarity for a healthier new year. Whether you make small changes or big lifestyle shifts, use this guide as inspiration to start from a place of self-care and nurture yourself with nature’s guidance.

How To Detox Your Body with Food

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16 comments on “5 Ways to Detox”

  1. Avatar photo
    Jaren (Diary of a Recipe Collector)

    Love all these tips! I really want to try to be healthier this year. I love the lemon water idea.

  2. Avatar photo
    Nancy P.@thebittersideofsweet

    Great tips! Luckily I am already eating the apples now I just need to work on the rest!

  3. Avatar photo
    Andi @ The Weary Chef

    Thanks for this great info. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the willpower to give up dairy and sugar for more than a few hours 😉 Happy New Year!

    1. Amy @ A Healthy Life For Me
      Amy Stafford

      Yep the dairy and sugar are the toughest to give up, but you can do it. At least for 8 hours 😉

  4. Avatar photo
    Kristine @ Kristine's Kitchen

    These are great tips to restart a healthy lifestyle! I eat an apple most days already, but I’d have a hard time with tip #5! I think cutting out dairy would be hardest for me. I love cheese, milk, and yogurt!

    1. Amy @ A Healthy Life For Me
      Amy Stafford

      I took dairy out of my diet a few months ago, the cheese was the hardest to remove. I allow my self to include it if we are eating out or on special occasions.

  5. Avatar photo
    Melanie | Melanie Makes

    Such a fan of lemon water but need to try it in the AM and warm to see the benefits. Great graphic, Amy!

  6. Avatar photo
    Cate @ Chez CateyLou

    This is a great list! Such good tips, especially this time of year. Do you think that cold water with lemon has the same benefits as hot water?

    1. Amy @ A Healthy Life For Me
      Amy Stafford

      Many doctors say that the consumption of warm water increases the tightening of the intestines, which helps clean us out.

  7. Avatar photo
    Meg @ The Housewife in Training Files

    This is such a fun post. I just got done drinking hot tea with lemon in it! It actually tasted better than my usual cup of joe.

  8. I think I have some work to do, good thing I already eat lots of apples and have cut out gluten.. but I do love sugar and chocolate 🙂

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