Asparagus with Brown Buttered Breadcrumbs is a quick and delicious way to serve Asparagus. Ready in minutes with an Italian flair and brown butter deliciousness.
I don’t know about you, but I get tired of my side dishes. I have been trying to do a better job at putting a little more thought and time into them, as much for the hubs and kid as myself. This was a great surprise, easy and tasted delicious.
I think Asparagus is one of spring’s most loved vegetables. It certainly is one of mine. I love how diverse it is. You can cook it in so many ways and it is delicious no matter which way you choose to cook it. It likes to be topped with delicious ingredients, which means its flavor goes along with most dishes.
Besides being a great side kick at the dinner table, asparagus is a great source of fiber and helps aid in digestion, lowering blood pressure and is an anti inflammatory. That is just the green asparagus.
Yep asparagus comes in other colors besides green.
White and Purple. Like all purple vegetables (which are the best color of vegetable to eat for their health benefits) purple asparagus has a boost of powerful pigments that have a powerful antioxidant effect on our bodies.
How to Pick Fresh Asparagus
Avoid stalks that appear limp or wilted. The tips of asparagus should be closed and compact, free from spreading or softness. The color of the asparagus should be rich in green color, softly fading to white at the bottom of the stalk. Avoid those dull in color, as this indicates the asparagus is passed freshness
How to Store Asparagus
I like to trim the bottom of the stalks and fill a glass with about 1-inch of water. Place the trimmed ends of the stalks in the water and cover the tips with plastic wrap. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
When Is Asparagus in Season?
While asparagus is luckily usually found year-round in grocery stores, like most produce, it has a peak season. You will find the best asparagus during spring. Asparagus season usually starts around late February and goes until June, but the peak months are in April and May
Best way to prep your Asparagus
First thing to do before cooking your asparagus is trimming the ends. You can simply snap off the woody ends and wherever they break is usually the freshest part. There is a bit of waste doing it this way but it is quick and simple. If you want to be a little neater about the process, peel the woody bits off with a vegetable peeler. This will make your asparagus look quite beautiful.
Best Way to Cook Asparagus.
You can cook your asparagus pretty much anyway you please. Roast it is simple. Heat your oven to 400° and place your asparagus on a baking sheet drizzled with olive oil, salt and pepper and cook to your likeness.
Saute your asparagus like we do here in this recipe. Also super simple, but you will get a bit of splatter from the pan. Heat a heavy skillet with butter or olive oil, add your asparagus cook to your liking, season and enjoy
Blanching your asparagus means you don’t need to use any olive oil or butter and your asparagus will be the prettiest shade of green, but I feel you may lose a bit of your nutrients from the asparagus in the cooking method.
Grilled Asparagus is quite delicious, but you will loose a few stalks through the grates unless you have a grill pan to stop this from happening. Again takes on a few minutes and you get that great grilled flavor.
Find more great Recipes using Asparagus (HERE)
Why you should snap the ends off Asparagus.
Asparagus with Brown Butter Breadcrumbs
- Heavy Skillet
- 1 pound asparagus trimmed
- 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 1/4 cup Seasoned Italian breadcrumbs
- 1 tablespoon minced fresh flat-leaf parsley
- 3 tablespoon finely grated Parmesan Cheese
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Set a heavy skillet over medium high heat.
- Melt 2 tablespoons of butter, once butter is completely melted. Add trimmed asparagus and sprinkle on a pinch of salt and pepper.
- Cook Asparagus for 2-3 minutes, flip and cook an additional 2-3 minutes.
- Remove asparagus to serving platter.
- Add the remaining butter to pan and let melt completely
- Add breadcrumbs, stir until they become toasted brown.
- Sprinkle toasted breadcrumbs over Asparagus followed by Parmesan cheese
- Toss Fresh Parsley over top.
- Serve immediately.
That has certainly brightened the dish up… I love asparagus and this looks like a great addition, in fact, I could eat this as a dish on it’s own!
Anytime butter is involved its better! I think Paula Deen is right!