Three Positive Tips for Exercise Success to be healthier in mind and body.
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I have had several family and friends ask me to start writing posts related to health and fitness tips. For 2014 I plan on writing a weekly post offering tips or tricks to help with health and fitness.
To help us all find success with our New Years Resolutions to workout more, harder or better I thought I would offer up three tips so we achieve our goals. To find success you need to know what is behind why most people fail at their workout goals…. ‘Fear and Self Doubt.’
Why? Fear and Self Doubt is what fuels excuses. We make excuses when we are afraid of rejection or failure. Kick your self-doubt in the proverbial balls with my three positive tips to workout success.
1. Practice honesty with yourself.
Yes you can! Do not let your self-doubt stop you. Recognize it for what it is and overcome it to succeed. If you are telling yourself it is too hard or the words “ I can’t” are in your mind, heart or coming out of your mouth, you are going to fail. That is your fear and self-doubt talking, not the truth, be honest. Start your workout with the words, “Yes, I can.”
2. Set realistic goals.
Start telling yourself you can and commit. You will succeed and you will start to believe in yourself before, during and after your workouts. This will spill over into your daily life and the way you interact with others. Start by picking a workout goal you know you will succeed at. Nothing beats down self-doubt more than success. Then grow and push yourself in your workouts after you achieve success, using your new “Yes, I can” approach.
3. Prioritize
Make yourself a priority, if not for whom you are today, who you will be in the future. Don’t use your family or friends an excuse for not working out. Include those closest to you in your workout by spending time with them while you workout. A family bike ride, or training for a race as a family or with a friend will build commodity and a team like feeling that will create memories and a healthy lifestyle.
Just three positive tips, very simple yet you need to follow it by heart but of course, with self motivations, these would be possibly be achieved. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to your post!
I totally agree with you and these 3 signs can make the man successful. Every man/woman chose our aims and try to do honest hard work. Don’t cheat your self and don’t make fake excuses then you should successful. A good body has a healthy mind.
I used to take exhortation from my wellness coach. coaches of my wellness focus, fitness Planet, are exceptionally talented and ace in their activity…
Hey Amy,
I agree that including family with our workouts and spending time with them gives immense pleasure. And the whole family stays healthy.
Sometimes you just need a motivation to get fit. Something that will keep you going no matter what. For me my family serves as my motivation especially my kids, I want them to grow with me, a healthy parent that will guild them.
I agree, Justine. Your family fueling your fitness is wonderful! Great for you and for them!
I really need a good way or a kind of drink that helps with loosing weight and keeping it off cause I have been having trouble to loose weight for a long time
Hi Jody, I am not a doctor, but in my own personal experience the best way to lose weight and to maintain the weight loss is with eating a clean diet, eliminating as much processed sugar as you can and exercising regularly. Hope this helps.
Very impressive thought Amy!! To achieve any goal in our life first we have to prepare our self mentally.
In these days everyone is getting very conscious about their fitness and health. And it’s good that they are adapting so many exercising tips and yoga and all. But regularity with your schedule and proper guidance are also important factor. I used to take advice from my fitness trainer. Trainers of my fitness center, Fitness Planet, are very skilled and master in their job. And now I am happy with my health status. Going to follow your tips they are really helpful.
Glad to hear that your trainers are helpful. Its always good to have someone to talk to, bounce ideas off of, to help us keep motivated. I also think consistency is the key to keeping us healthy and happy in our workouts. I also like to change it up to keep things fresh and me interested. I love to hear that my tips are helping!
Best, Amy
I agree that most of people give up in middle of their journey just because of lack of self confidence.I was also like that when I was doing at my own to reduce weight…but when I joined fitness freak as my fitness I have a strong faith in myself that I will do it.there is very positive environment .instructor are very helpful and skilled and To do something positivity is very important factor ……your advice is really very helpful…..
So glad to hear you have found what works for you. That is part of the challenge, what works, you enjoy and what you can faithfully maintain. A positive environment makes something tough much more enjoyable. Best wishes, Amy
Setting realistic goals is a must. If you set the bar too high and miss, you’ll feel like a failure and want to give up. Create goals that work for you — make them reachable. You’ll get fit and healthy in no time.
I also agree that you have to make you and your fitness goals a priority. While it’s commendable that you want to lose weight for your spouse and kids, it’s more important that you lose weight for YOU.
Hello Amy!
I believe that we really need to set “realistic” goals. We need to start telling ourselves that we can and we can commit. We will definitely succeed if we believe in our self. I will also share this post of yours to my friends.
George, I couldn’t agree more. Setting up goals that you can reach makes you feel like a success and you will continue on to bigger success down the road. Thanks for sharing. xo Amy