How to Grow Hydrangea. Endless Summer® Collection Hydrangea world’s first and best-selling assortment of re-blooming hydrangea.
I can’t think of any other shrub or flower that elicits the emotional reaction that hydrangea does. Hydrangeas are gorgeous, uncomplaining workhorses returning to the garden year after year. It seems everyone from the novice to the experienced gardener grows a hydrangea or two in their garden. The most widely homegrown variety is the Hydrangea macrophylla, which is commonly known as big leaf, French, garden or florist’s hydrangea. This Japanese native is rated as hardy to USDA cold-hardiness zone 4. They usually produce large inflorescences of white, pink or blue flowers in early summer. Some hydrangeas like those from the Endless Summer® Collection actually bloom through fall because of its re-blooming capabilities. I received an Endless Summer Hydrangea called BloomStruck™. Endless Summer is the world’s first and best-selling assortment of re-blooming hydrangea. Yep, endless blooms that show on old and new growth, constantly pushing out new flower heads measuring 3.5”–5” across.
They are easy to grow, requiring a low investment in time, money and effort for a big reward. They are beautiful for gardens, containers and in cut and dried flower arrangements. No matter which variety, their big beautiful blooms enhance any outdoor living experience. They have extremely strong stems, above average heat tolerance and great disease resistance, especially to powdery mildew, which I struggle with here in Cincinnati with our humid summers. I chose to plant my hydrangea along some of my Iris, Lambs Ear and Echinacea. All perennials that complement not only the shape and color of the blooms but also the BloomStruck™ hydrangea distinctive red-purple stems, which are unique in appearance and structure, giving the plant sturdiness to support heavy blooms.
Endless Summer® BloomStruck™ Hydrangea macrophylla like to be planted in partial shade and will mature in size to 3-4’ wide and 4-5’ tall. Take the time to stop over at Endless Summer website and check out their collection of hydrangea. Leave a comment below letting me know what color hydrangea is your favorite, and you’ll be entered to win a $100 Visa gift card!
I love the blue hydrangeas.
I love that these re bloom. Absolutely beautiful
i love the purple ones best
I like blue hydrangeas best because it’s a color that’s hard to find in flowers.
I like the blue ones!