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Tips for Building Organic Garden Soil

Soil improvement is the foundation to having a healthy thriving garden.  Here are some Tips for Building Organic Garden Soil that are simple and easy to apply.

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Tips for Building Organic Soil | ahealthylifeforme.com


Soil is composed of weathered rock and organic matter, water and air. However, the hidden magic in a healthy soil is the organisms that flourish when the other soil elements are in balance.  To have a healthy flourishing garden your foundation must be solid and your soil is the foundation to each and every plant.

Here are a few Tips for Building better Organic Soil:

Make your own compost.  Learn about building a compost bin and how to build compost {here}.

New beds require plenty of compost, soil amendments and double digging for that extra kick.

Coffee grounds from your favorite coffee house make excellent mulch around acid loving plants. Like radishes, sweet potatoes, parsley, peppers and potatoes.

Earthworms are extremely beneficial to the soil and plants, increasing air space in the soil and leaving behind worm castings. Do everything you can to encourage earthworms in your soil.

A garden soil that has been well mulched and amended periodically requires only about a 1 inch layer of compost yearly to maintain its quality.

Tips for Building Organic Soil | ahealthylifeforme.com

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5 comments on “Tips for Building Organic Garden Soil”

  1. Wow! Thanks for this post! I am planning to have new garden and I want to plant beans or radish if I can. At least now, I have more information on how to start my new hobby. Thanks again!

    1. Amy @ A Healthy Life For Me
      Amy Stafford

      How exciting Jules, I wish you the best of luck. Definitely start with great soil and you will be successful and eating up your beans and radishes before you know it!

  2. Thanks for these tips! I am new to gardening. I just planted 6 dragon fruit plants and I hope that I will get some fruits on them. I read that it only grows in an organic soil.

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