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Seasonal Produce Guide for September

September is a great month to eat seasonally.  The melons, pumpkins and squash are all ripe, and there is an abundance of different greens.  Seasonal Produce Guide for September is a long list and we should try to enjoy everything it has to offer as we head into winter.

Seasonal Produce Guide for September | ahealthylifeforme.com

We all want to be healthier. Right?

Eat food that is in season and reap the benefits. More vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and save money too.

I will start to provide a list at the beginning of each month to help guide you to buy what is in season, so that you can live a healthy life.

If you make a recipe using this months seasonal produce snap a quick picture to inspire us all to eat healthy and seasonal.   Share it on Instagram or Twitter with #ahealthylifeforme.

There are many good reasons to eat seasonally but the two really big reasons are, its good for you and it is good for the environment.

-You will also get the best tasting food because it will be the freshest possible, giving optimal flavor.

-You will get the best nourishment from your food because the produce you buy will be picked when they are ripe and fully developed. Which means higher levels of antioxidants.

-You will save money because seasonal food is much cheaper to produce for the farmers.

-You will cook more and make healthier choices. When you start to take back control of what you put in to your body, which oil you choose to cook with, how much sugar you add to your food etc, you are consciously making better choices for your health. Cooking is also a great activity to do with your kids, family and friends. And, what better way to show your love?

-You will reduce on the environment due to less “food mileage”. Seasonal food means that it is most likely local and less transportation is needed.

-You will be supporting your local farmer, which is great for your local economy.

-You will be supporting your immune system. The natural cycle of produce is perfectly designed to support our own cycle of health.

Save the free graphic below for refrence.

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Seasonal Produce Guide for Septmeber | ahealthylifeforme.com

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4 comments on “Seasonal Produce Guide for September”

  1. Beautiful graphic. Pinning for reminder and I love this idea of a monthly reference. Biggest fan here!!!

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